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Lord Of The Flies by Mind Map: Lord Of The Flies

1. Why?

1.1. Plane crash

2. When?

2.1. 20 th century

3. What?

3.1. Objects:Hunting spear, conch arm knife, fire

3.2. Wild pig

4. Adaptation On Cinéma

4.1. 1st film 1963 P.Brook

4.2. 2st film 1990 H.Hook

4.3. 3st film 1990 H.Hook

5. Inspirations

5.1. Simpsons

5.2. Mon oncle charlie

5.3. Iron Maiden

5.4. Lost

6. Action

6.1. 2 tribes

6.1.1. rivality

6.1.2. Jack/Ralph

6.2. rescue of army

7. Who?

7.1. Roger:

7.1.1. Cruel

7.2. Simon:

7.2.1. Killed

7.3. The Twins:

7.3.1. Right and wrong

7.4. Jack:

7.4.1. Blond-chief

7.5. Piggy:

7.5.1. Intelligent-killed

7.6. Ralph:

7.6.1. Responsable

7.7. all childrens

8. Where?

8.1. Desert island pacific

9. William Golding

9.1. 1911-1995

9.2. novel prize of literature

9.3. british novelist

9.4. lord of the flies 1954

10. Analyse

10.1. novel dark and pessimist

10.2. civilisation become wild and savage