Educational Management

Introduction to Financial Management

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Educational Management by Mind Map: Educational Management

1. 1. Principles and Concepts of Management

1.1. 4 M's of Management

1.2. Concept of Organization

1.3. Efficiency/ Effectiveness of Management

1.4. Functions of Management

1.4.1. Planning

1.4.2. Leading

1.4.3. Organizing

1.4.4. Controlling

1.5. Goals and Objectives

1.6. Management definition

1.7. Organizational Stakeholders

2. 2. Educational Management

2.1. 1. Curriculum/ Instruction

2.1.1. Learning Objectives

2.1.2. Learning Content

2.1.3. Learning Experience

2.1.4. Evaluation of Learning Outcomes

2.2. 2. Governance/ Institutional Leadership

2.2.1. Image Building

2.2.2. Attending to health of the Institution Human Resource Management Financial Management Physical Plant & Equipment Management

2.2.3. Management of Effective Supervision

2.2.4. Responsibility and Accountability

2.2.5. Marketing/ Promotion

2.3. 3. Research

2.3.1. Policy Research

2.3.2. Trends and Challenges

2.4. 4. Quality Assurance

2.4.1. Accreditation Mandated Accreditation Voluntary Accreditation

2.4.2. Evaluation Program Grading Assessment for Performance

2.5. 5. Linkages

2.5.1. Academe and Industry

2.5.2. School & Community Partnership

2.5.3. School & International Institutions

2.6. 6. Total Quality Management

3. 3. Educational Laws, Surveys, Programs, and Projects