Memory, Learning & Improving Concentration.

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Memory, Learning & Improving Concentration. por Mind Map: Memory, Learning & Improving Concentration.

1. How To Improve Strategies

1.1. Massed Practice

1.1.1. Not good

1.1.2. Involves studying all the materials at the same time

1.1.3. Will not have much time to understand, remember and organize reading materials.

1.2. Spaced Practice

1.2.1. Good and very recommended

1.2.2. Involves space time over some period of time

1.2.3. Allows time for the information to consolidate in the long-term memory.

2. Reading/Study System

2.1. Elaboration Strategies

2.1.1. 1. Acronyms/ Catchwords

2.1.2. 2. Acrostics/ Catchphrases

2.1.3. 3. Imagery

2.1.4. 4. Organizational Strategies

3. Strategies to Improve Concentration

3.1. Use motivational & organizational strategies

3.2. Create a positive learning enviroment

3.3. Deal with internal distractions such as personal problems

3.4. Use active learning strategies

3.5. Match our learning style according to the task.

3.6. Monitor our concentration.

4. Understanding Memory Process

4.1. Memory vs Brain

4.1.1. Memory- the ability for someone to store, defend and remember information and experiences.

4.1.2. Brain- an organ

4.2. Types of memory

4.2.1. Sensory Memory - Temporary information storage

4.2.2. Short Term Memory - Allows information to be received and stored for a short duration

4.2.3. Long Term Memory- Memory of an information for a long period of time

4.2.4. Recall- Weakness to remember information that is stored in the long term memory.

5. Memories Strategies

5.1. 1. Mnemonics

5.1.1. -using words that we like

5.1.2. -make it funny

6. Understanding Concentration

6.1. 1. Why we forget

6.1.1. 1. Disturbance

6.1.2. 2. Concentration

6.1.3. 3. Factor of Time

6.2. 2. Why we remember

6.2.1. 1. Interest

6.2.2. 2. Choices

6.2.3. 3. Repeat

6.2.4. 4. Training drill