Computers in Security

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Computers in Security by Mind Map: Computers in Security

1. Computers are everywhere

1.1. Run on programs that contain instructions that are provided by people

1.2. Fast and Reliable

1.3. Over-reliance is not good!

2. Cashless Society

2.1. Why popular?

2.1.1. No physical cash used

2.1.2. Convenient

2.1.3. Reduction in robbery

2.1.4. Increases the efficiency of the economy

2.1.5. Cost savings

2.2. Forms of non-cash payment

2.2.1. Credit card Spend now, Pay later

2.2.2. Debit card Spend now, pay now (cash immediately deducted)

2.2.3. Pre-paid card

2.2.4. ATMs & SAMs Allows you to pay bills

2.2.5. Smart card Similar to pre-paid card

2.2.6. E-commerce Transactions carried out over the internet electronically

2.3. Barriers to cashless society

2.3.1. Economic hurdles Equipment Maintenance Manpower

2.3.2. Consumer resistance Some prefer using cash Not much advantage in making cashless payments

2.3.3. Privacy concern Electronic transactions may leave behind some confidential details

3. PIN (Personal Identification Number)

3.1. Used to verify the identity of a person

3.2. Simple and cheap verification method

3.3. Not foolproof

3.4. Identity theft

4. Protecting your PIN

4.1. Do not respond to phishing email

4.2. Change your password regularly

4.3. Never give your password to anybody

4.4. Use different passwords for different accounts

4.5. Never write down your PIN

4.6. Install anty-spyware and firewall

5. Environmental impact

5.1. Fossil fuel

5.1.1. Finite resources, may run out soon

5.2. Materials

5.2.1. Large amount of chemicals

5.2.2. Toxic chemicals

5.2.3. Water is scarce

5.3. Short lifetime

5.3.1. e-wastes

5.4. Solution

5.4.1. Recycling Reuse computers instead of dumping them

5.4.2. Extending computer life span Replace parts, or upgrade hardware