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Mesageto by Mind Map: Mesageto

1. Group Conversations

1.1. Tracked Conversation Members

2. Compatability

2.1. Local Installation

2.2. Cloud Installation

2.3. Single Node Installation

2.4. Multiple Node Installation

3. Client Protocols

3.1. XMPP

3.1.1. Needs a babysitter Allow HTTP Proxy

3.2. HTTP

3.2.1. Needs a babysitter Allow HTTP Proxy

3.3. SMTP

3.4. CUPS

3.4.1. IPP Allow HTTP Proxy

3.4.2. RAW Allow HTTP Proxy

4. Server Protocols

4.1. HTTP

4.2. SMTP

4.2.1. Messages routed to a filter system

4.3. XMPP?

4.4. TCP Forwarding Agent

5. Conversation Tracking

5.1. XMPP via Resource

5.2. HTTP via JSON/XML

5.3. SMTP via

5.3.1. Email Address Hash

5.3.2. ID Reference in Subject Global ID Pair ID

6. Message Management

6.1. Always allow a callback

6.2. Always return status