Market And Advertising In E-commerce

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Market And Advertising In E-commerce by Mind Map: Market And Advertising In E-commerce

1. Online Cunsumer Decision-Making Process

1.1. 1- Need recognition

1.2. 2- Information search

1.3. 3- Evaluation, negotiation, selection

1.4. 4- Purchase, payment, delivery

1.5. 5- After-purchase service and evaluation

2. Increasing Loyalty And Trust

2.1. Improve your Website

2.2. Affilate with an Objective Third Party

2.3. Establish Trustworthiness

3. Market Segmentation and Building One to One relationships with Customers

4. Online Personalization

4.1. Matching of services, product, and advertising content

5. Objective and Characteristics of Web Advertising

5.1. Cost

5.2. Richness of format

5.3. Personalization

5.4. Timeliness

5.5. Location-based

5.6. Linking

5.7. Digital branding

6. Mobile Marketing

6.1. Conduct marketing or with a mobile device

7. Factors Influencing Online Consumer Behaviour

7.1. Personal Characteristics

7.2. Product/Service Factors

7.3. Merchant and Intermediary Factors

7.4. EC Systems

7.5. Environmental Factors

8. EC consumer market research

8.1. Obeserving Customers' Movements Online

8.2. Web Bugs

8.3. Spyware

8.4. Web Analytics and Mining

8.5. Clickstream data

8.6. Web mining

9. Major online advertising methods

9.1. Google

9.2. Viral marketing

9.3. Video ADS

10. Various advertising strategies and types of promotions

10.1. Affiliate marketing

10.2. Ads as a Commodity

10.3. Selling Space by Pixels

10.4. Personalized Ads

10.5. Webcasting

10.6. Ad Exchanges

10.7. Advertisement as a Revenue Model

10.8. Choose-Your-Own-Ad Format