Mumbai: Urbanisation

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Mumbai: Urbanisation by Mind Map: Mumbai: Urbanisation

1. Improvements:

1.1. Bottom up scheme:

1.1.1. Local people being able to design the improvements to the slums

1.2. Top down scheme:

1.2.1. $2 billion investment into the development of the land of Dharavi. Promise to rehouse people in apartments Fear that the redevelopment plan will only benefit the wealthy and that people will not be rehoused.

2. Economic Impacts

2.1. Influx of migrants due to booming economy

2.2. Increase in unskilled workforce

2.2.1. unskilled work force have jobs such as street vendors or taxi drivers

2.3. Increased price of property means increased development of slums

2.3.1. Lack of education in slums means decreased employment opportunities

2.3.2. 85% of slum dwellers have informal work

3. Environmental impacts

3.1. Heavy industry causes air pollution

3.2. Transport in a busy city causes noise and air pollution

3.3. The existence of land fills on which the slums are built

3.3.1. Lack of sanitation in slums causes waste issues

3.4. Recycling zone does exist. 80% of plastic waste is recycled

4. Causes of Urbanisation

4.1. Hub for industry

4.1.1. Increasing population

4.2. Port connections mean increased industry.

4.3. India's largest city

4.4. Bollywood

4.4.1. Employment opportunities

4.4.2. Megacity

5. Social impacts

5.1. A rise in natural increase and migration increases slum living.

5.2. Overcrowded city encouraging slum development (Dharavi)

5.2.1. Homes build on wasteland

5.2.2. Excrement in the street

5.2.3. 500 people to one toilet

5.2.4. Spread of disease

5.2.5. Community feel and support

5.2.6. 1 million people per 1 square mile in Dharavi

5.2.7. No sanitation