IELTS Essay Problem/Solution

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IELTS Essay Problem/Solution by Mind Map: IELTS Essay Problem/Solution

1. Reason

1.1. Let's begin by looking at the first / [main] reason of ...

1.2. One of the main reasons of/that [...] is that [...] instead of [...].

1.3. Another cause of [smth] is that [...]. In other words ...

2. A good example of this [is ...] / [would be ....].

2.1. Example

2.1.1. Take [sbd/smth] as an example

2.1.2. It can be best examplified by ... (noun)

3. There is no doubt / [It is undeniable] that [...] has become an essential part of our life. However ...

4. Explanations

4.1. It is common these days for [smb] to [do smth], rather than [do smth else].

4.2. What I mean by this is that [...]. / That is to say, [...].

5. [These days] Nowadays, it is becoming more and more / [increasingly] popular/ [common]... to [do smth].

6. Introduction

6.1. 1. General thought about the subject (theme rephrazed)

6.1.1. Over the last few years, it has become increasingly popular to [do smth].

6.1.2. Over the last decades/years [smth] has become an increasingly debatable issue.

6.1.3. One of the widely discussed issues nowadays is [...].

6.2. 2. Support of the 1st sentence

6.2.1. These days, [governments] are very aware, that the issue of [obesity] needs to be tackled urgently.

6.2.2. In my country, the problem is becoming worse and worse, and it is important to take steps to make [teaching] more [attractive].

6.2.3. There is no doubt that...

6.2.4. For many people, especially ...

6.3. 3. Identify the task and tell the reader your plan

6.3.1. This problem has clear / [certain] reasons and in this essay will look at the main causes of the problem and propose some solutions.

7. Conclusion

7.1. 1 sentence conclusion

7.1.1. To sum up / All things considered / In conclusion, there is no doubt that [obesity] is an increasingly worrying issue, affecting both [children and adults].

7.1.2. To sum up, [...] is a serious problem, and unless we [do smth], [smth/smb] will start to suffer.

7.2. Summary main points (diff. vocabular)

7.2.1. In my view / [As I see it] the main responsibility for solving the problem lies with [...], [...] and [...].

7.2.2. There is a serious problem, which could lead to [...].

7.2.3. As I see it, [governments, parents and schools] all have a role to play in tackling the problem.

7.3. Finishing touch / Personal opinion

7.3.1. Actions must be taken urgently, otherwise our [society] will face even greater [health] problem in the future.

7.3.2. [Governments] must take steps to deal with the problem as soon as possible.

8. Body

8.1. Solutions

8.1.1. The solution is for [smb] to do [...].

8.1.2. To address this issue, [smb] could [do smth]. / To tackle this problem, [smb] should ...

8.1.3. Dealing with this issue involves [].

8.1.4. Finally, [smth] is the third important factor of ...