
Just an initial demo map, so that you don't start with an empty map list ...

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Freelance da Mind Map: Freelance

1. Mindless Zombie

1.1. Summer Vacation

1.2. Do Nothing

1.3. Go Swimming

1.3.1. SDFSS

2. Working on my Novels

2.1. Book Cover

2.2. Editing

2.2.1. Costs Me Money or Time

2.2.2. Binding- Perfect Bound

2.2.3. Copyright

2.2.4. ISBN

2.2.5. Hidden Costs

3. jsuytrusfiusffifif

4. drrtyr


5. Finishing Novels

5.1. Publishing Career

5.2. Redo Main Theme

5.3. Develop Different Plot

6. Working for others

6.1. Helping Others

6.2. Design Good Business Website

6.2.1. Personal Todo List

6.2.2. Vacation Planning

6.2.3. Meeting Minutes

6.2.4. Project Plan

6.2.5. more...

6.3. Money!

6.3.1. INS to insert (Windows)

6.3.2. TAB to insert (Mac OS)

6.3.3. ENTER to add siblings

6.3.4. DEL to delete

6.3.5. All key shortcuts

6.4. Build Portfolio

6.5. Develop Good Business Relations

6.5.1. Online Help

6.5.2. Tools and Gadgets Offline Mode Geistesblitz Tools Email & SMS Gateways Compare Editions