1.1. - Who is responsible registered?
1.1.1. Claudia Bohorquez
1.2. - Are they categorized?
1.2.1. - Local Customers - Foreign Customers - Intercompany Customers
1.3. - What currencies do they charge you?
1.3.1. COP USD
1.4. - Have assigned salespeople? - Are they shared among several vendors?
1.4.1. Share Customers
1.5. - Do you handle prices per customer?
1.5.1. Price List
1.6. - Do they have customer-vendors?
1.6.1. Yes
1.7. - Would they handle contact roles or positions?
1.7.1. Yes
1.8. - Credit Limits?
1.8.1. Yes
1.9. - Payment Term
1.9.1. Yes
1.10. - Is Factoring handled with some clients?
1.10.1. Yes
2.1. - Customers send purchase order?
2.1.1. Yes, they send SO Approved, they also handle Open Contract in this case they do not need SO handle it with Client Documents of Entry or Acceptance - Documento de Entrada o Aceptación)
2.2. - Do you have order approval? - If yes, do they have approval levels?
2.2.1. Yes, the process needs approval - Levels (manage it in the future)
3.1. - How many invoices are issued per month?
3.1.1. Monthly invoices = 10 prom
3.2. - Is there an approval process?
3.2.1. Yes Approved by Sellers and Finances
3.3. - Do they issue debit notes? - How many per month?
3.3.1. Yes for now they have not issued
3.4. - Do you have scheduled billing?
3.4.1. Yes
3.5. - Do they have deferred income recognition?
3.5.1. Yes
3.6. - Intercompany invoices?
3.6.1. Yes
3.7. - Do the sales made suffer withdrawal or withholding of any kind? Which? How?
3.7.1. Yes Retención ICA Retención Fuente Retención IVA
3.8. - Will they use automatic electronic billing?
3.8.1. No
3.9. - Are they required to issue electronic invoices?
3.9.1. No
3.10. - Do you attach any special format of addenda per client?
3.10.1. No
4.1. - How many are issued per month? - What are the reasons for issuance?
4.1.1. Only 1 Credit Notes By Error in amounts For Merchandise Return
4.2. - Is there an approval process?
4.2.1. Yes Approved by Sellers and Finances
5.1. - Do they handle credit limits?
5.1.1. Yes
5.2. - Block sales to slow payer customers? - If yes, what is the indicator of days past due?
5.2.1. Alerts informative Do not Block Sale Depends on the Negotiation of the client
5.3. - What currencies do you collect?
5.3.1. COP USD
5.4. - The document and the collection can be different currencies? - What are the cases?
5.4.1. Yes Document in COP must be canceled in COP Document in USD can be canceled in COP or USD, totally or partially
5.5. - What forms of payment are used?
5.5.1. Checks Bank transfers
5.6. - Issue statements?
5.6.1. Yes
5.7. - Do they handle customer-supplier compensation?
5.7.1. Transactions can be crossed