1.1. Google Forms: is a free site that allows teachers to create custom polls, surveys, and quizzes. A link can be provided to student for access and the results can be retrieved in graphic form for quick teacher recognition of knowledge gaps.
1.2. Quizizz: allows teachers to develop multiple choice game quizzes for students to participate in individually, using their own devices. Upon quiz completion the teacher has access to data regarding which content questions were most regularly missed.
1.3. Socrative: This site allows teachers to develop content comprehension questions to check for understanding. Results and data can be used instantly to guide future instruction.
1.4. GoFormative: Teachers can create and assign activities for students to complete through the site. Students are offered responses and feedback in real time.
1.5. Quizlet is an online learning tool that trains students via flashcards and various games and tests.
1.6. Kahoot! Students play fun learning games and cool quizzes anywhere and anytime, on their own or with educational peers.Kahoot! | Learning Games | Make Learning Awesome!
2. Information Delivery Tools
2.1. NearPod: Teachers can use existing material, or create their own, to take students though information delivery in the form of interactive slide presentation.
2.2. PlayPosit: This site allows teachers to find existing videos, or create their own, to increase student retention of material by asking questions during video play.
2.3. Blend Space: Teachers can collect all digital materials in one place for students to visit. Students can achieve learning goals while also interacting with material. The teacher can monitor progress through quizzes on online activities.
2.4. Voicethread: VoiceThread allows users to have ongoing digital conversations built from text, audio, and/or video comments added by small groups of participants around any content imaginable.
2.5. Schoology: Schoology is an online learning, classroom management, and social networking platform that improves learning through better communication, collaboration, and increased access to curriculum and supplemental content. Find out more: http://www.schoology.com
2.6. Aurasma: (AR) turns everyday objects, images, and places into new, interactive opportunities to engage with through striking graphics, animation, video, audio, and 3D content.
3. Product Creation Tools
3.1. Glogster: students can use this virtual poster creation tool to apply their learning by integrating the information that they learned with videos and graphics.
3.2. Facebook: Students can create a "fake" Facebook profile from the perspective of a historical or literary figure.
3.3. Popplet: Students can use this site to organize and categorize their learning. This side allows users to create mind maps of their thinking and learning. It will allow videos, images, urls, and text to be uploaded.
3.4. Flipgrid: Students can upload and participate in moderated video discussions about assigned topics.
3.5. Book Creator: This app allows students to add text, images, audio and video to create a variety communicative media.Book Creator - the simple way to create beautiful ebooks - Book Creator app
3.6. Sutori: This digital tool that can be used to create historical event timelines, person life stories or biography timelines, or even step-by-step instructions. With easy to use and navigate features, a new project can be created in minutes. Using the basic features available at login, creators can add videos, pictures, multiple choice questions, and many other enhancements to make projects even more engaging. Educators can create classes to easily share timelines and have students collaborate within a class to create their own Sutori timelines. Sutori
3.7. WeVideo: Students can make and share videos using WeVideo's cloud-based online video editing software.
3.8. Animoto: This cloud-based video creation service produces video from photos, video clips, and music into video slideshows.
3.9. Screencastify: This is a free screen recorder extension for Chrome. Capture, edit and share screencasts. This would be a great add-on to a video production project.
3.10. Google Photos: This cloud-based app allows the creation of photo books, collages, animations with uploaded images. https://photos.google.com/assistant
4. Information Organization Tools
4.1. Diigo: is an online bookmark managing site to assist students and teachers keep track of important sites.
4.2. Pinterest: Students and teachers can research the ideas and work of other learners. This site links users to other websites that match a similar search. Often the returns on searches are visual. This is a great asset to visual learners.
4.3. Ideament: An Apple-based app that allows for collaboration through mind mapping, concept mapping and flow charts. Text is easily converted to text.
4.4. Happro Hapara | Making Learning Visible Hapara helps schools make the shift to digital learning by making it easier to view and manage learner work in the cloud.