Consumer markets and buyer behavior

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Consumer markets and buyer behavior por Mind Map: Consumer markets and buyer behavior

1. Types of buying decision behavior

1.1. Complex buying behavior

1.2. Dissonance reducing buying behavior

1.3. Habitual buying behavior

1.4. Variety seeking buying behavior

2. The buyer decision process

2.1. Need recognition

2.2. Information search

2.3. Evaluation of alternatives

2.4. Purchase decision

2.5. Postpurchase behavior

2.5.1. Cognitives dissonance

2.5.2. Adoption process

2.5.3. New product

3. The buyer decision process for new products

3.1. Stages in the adoption process

3.1.1. Awareness

3.1.2. interest

3.1.3. Evaluation

3.1.4. Trial

3.1.5. Adoption

3.2. Individual differences in innovativeness

4. Consumer behavior

4.1. Cultural factor

4.1.1. Culture

4.1.2. Subculture

4.1.3. Cross cultural marketing

4.1.4. Social class Uppern Middle Working lowl

4.2. Social factor

4.2.1. Groups and social networks Word of mouth influenceo Pinion leader Online social networks Family roles and status

4.3. Personal factor

4.3.1. Age and life cycle stage

4.3.2. Occupation

4.3.3. Economic situation

4.3.4. Lifestyle

4.3.5. Personality and self concept

4.4. Psychological factor

4.4.1. Motivation

4.4.2. Perception

4.4.3. Learning

4.4.4. Beliefs and attitudes