1. Sociological Perspectives
2. Philosophy of Education
2.1. Generic Notions
2.1.1. Plato argued for centrality of ideas
2.1.2. Artistotle argued for that triangle exists whether or not there is a thinking human being within range
2.1.3. Marx believed the law of capitalism would lead to increasing economic crisis
2.2. Key Researchers
2.2.1. Aristotle
2.2.2. Plato
2.3. Goal of education
2.3.1. Plato emphasized the study of ideas to understand ideas
2.3.2. Aristotle believed that it was possible to understand ideas through studying the world of matter
2.3.3. Realist believed education is to help individuals understand and then apply the principles to the modern world
2.4. Role of Teacher
2.4.1. Realist believe teachers should be steeped to the basic academic disciplines
2.4.2. Progressive setting the teacher writes curriculum and must have a command of disciplines
2.4.3. Teachers should understand their own worlds as well as their students
2.5. Curriculum
2.5.1. Existentialists and phenomenologists choose material biased toward humanity
2.5.2. Neo-Marxist believe the material is socially constructed
2.5.3. Realists believe curriculum is science, math, reading and writing
2.6. Method of Instruction
2.6.1. Realists support lecture and question and answer
2.6.2. Dewey thinks children should learn both in groups and individually
2.6.3. Existentialists and phenomenologists believe in the instruction already taught in schools
3. Schools as Organizations
3.1. Governance
3.1.1. Federal AL senator: Richard Shelby, House of Representative: Mo Brooks, State Superintendent: Michael Sentance, Representative on State School Board: Mary Scott, Local Superintendent: Matt Massey, Members on School Board: Nathan Curry, Angie Bates, Louise Stowe, Dave Wels, Shere Rucker
3.2. School processes & School culture
3.2.1. School culture has definite population and clearly defined political structure arising from the mode of social interaction. They represent the nexus of a compact network of social relationships, they have a culture that is definitely their own.
3.2.2. School processes are now organized and shaped by a series of inherent contradictions that can develop cultures that are conflictual and even stagnant.
4. Equality of Opportunity
4.1. Education is extremely expensive. Class can be a big factor in determining if a student will continue in school. Race is a big factor because it has a direct impact on how much education they are likely to receive. Only 5.2 percent of whites drop out of school, and 9.3 percent African Americans drop out. Females are less likely to drop out of school than males.
4.2. One finding is that private schools are a better learning environment than public schools, particularly for low-income students.
4.3. The next finding is that where an individual goes to school is often related to her race and socioeconomic background, but the racial and socioeconomic composition of a school has a greater effect on student achievement than an individuals race and class.
5. Educational Reform
5.1. School based reforms
5.1.1. School based reforms are a schools choice, charter schools, and tuition vouchers. Some research tried to claim private schools were more effective. Public schools do need some more improvement.
5.1.2. School to work programs are school based incorporated with work based learning. This is very important. The youth should be prepared at a young age.
5.2. Impacts of education
5.2.1. Charter Schools are public schools that are free from many of the regulations applied to traditional public schools. In return, they are held accountable for student performance.
5.2.2. Vouchers argue that the school choice will have three important educational impacts. It provides low income parents with the same choices as middle class parents and lead to increased parental satisfaction with their children's school.
6. History of Education
6.1. Reform Movement
6.1.1. Conservatives wanted to strengthen basic skills, introduce accountability, and introduce free market mechanisms
6.1.2. Liberals wanted to have quality with equality, improvement of failing schools, and programs to enhance equality
6.1.3. Radicals did not believe educational reform alone would solve problems. Radicals involved more critical pedagogy.
6.2. Historical Interpretation
6.2.1. Liberals believed history of education in the US involves the evolution of a flawed system.
6.2.2. Radicals attribute growths to controlling everyone through school and being pushed
6.2.3. The US school system has expanded to serve more students for longer periods of time
7. Sociology of Education
7.1. Relationship between school and society
7.1.1. Liberal believe history of education involves the progressive evolution, and view the educational history optimistically
7.1.2. Radicals have a optimistic view also. They believe placement in the higher educational system is based on race.
7.1.3. Conservatives believe that historical pursuit of social and political objectives resulted in harm to academic goals
7.2. Three effects of schooling on individuals
7.2.1. Transforms the personal qualities of individuals
7.2.2. Can change a persons views on society, or shape their views
7.2.3. Schooling can also have effects on the body of a student. Students can get stressed out, and have high blood pressure
8. Curriculum and Pedagogy
8.1. I believe in the humanist curriculum of teaching where teachers and students are both cared for, and are believed in. Not just students being in a class.
8.2. Mimetic
8.2.1. This strategy of teaching includes repeating information and lecturing to students by reading to them.
8.3. Transformative
8.3.1. This strategy of teaching includes being interactive with students, whether being hands on, or listening.
9. Educational Inequality
9.1. Cultural Differences
9.1.1. John Ogla argues African americans do less well in school because they adapt to their oppressed position. There is "job ceiling" for African Americans meaning they can only achieve so much and rank so high. ----->I think this is bogus.
9.1.2. Working class and non white students are resisting the dominant culture of the schools. Students reject white middle-class students a choose a more anti-social environment. This is a negative result.
9.2. School-centered inequalities
9.2.1. Public schools are financed through a combination of revenues from local, state, and federal sources. Researchers needed to compare schools with lower socioeconomic communities for effective school research. School factors depend on the curriculum that is use such as gender in the schools
10. Politics of Education
10.1. Perspective
10.1.1. Conservative perspective is human progress dependent on individual initiative and drive
10.1.2. Liberal perspective is overcoming social problems so interventions must aid certain groups
10.1.3. Radical perspective is believing in free market capitalism
10.2. Vision
10.2.1. Provide opportunity for every growing population
10.2.2. Will change schools for the better
10.2.3. Radicals believe you get in to college because of social class and race