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MLD 501 Goals | Fall 2017 создатель Mind Map: MLD 501 Goals | Fall 2017

1. Bridge

1.1. Understand how a liberated classroom is created

1.2. Learn how to move theory to effective practice

2. Bridge Support

2.1. Learn and share with peers and faculty in a collaborative education experience

2.2. Learn to design with people at the center

2.3. Collaborate with others interested in instructional design

3. Bridge Support

3.1. Learn to integrate traditional and technology based Ed into hybrid models in higher education

3.2. Design around principles and the why

4. Include

4.1. How do you create an inclusive learning environment in a conservative white-dominated field?

4.2. How to develop inclusive learning environments

4.3. Designing education in difficult times

5. Explore

5.1. How does learning design or theory sync with higher education strategy? Is it aligned?

5.2. Translate my learning to my team in order to create better learning experiences now.

5.3. Explore/test future educational tools

5.4. How to bake evaluation into the design (iterative design)

5.5. Explore how to harness individual learning styles to achieve an end goal

5.6. Evaluate efficiency of different modes of learning (online, in person, etc.) and how best to harness balance.

6. Engage

6.1. Create an engaging yet effective program

6.2. Find ways to improve user engagement

6.3. Engage with "real world" projects that engage with educational innovation

6.4. Learn to design engaging online courses

7. Personal

7.1. Achievement, Reflection, Self as Learner

7.1.1. Learn to ask the right questions

7.1.2. Ask questions (of readings, to others, myself, etc.)

7.1.3. Ask questions, be increasingly curious

7.1.4. Develop better (or any!) class participation skills

7.1.5. Learn more about how I learn

7.1.6. Embrace and live in the growth zone | Choose vulnerability

7.1.7. Make me a better learner

7.1.8. Get a good grade

7.1.9. Be an engaged student

7.1.10. Come alive and better position myself to better influence others to come alive

7.2. Career / Goals

7.2.1. Gain more clarity on my professional goals

7.2.2. Develop the capacity to build out a portfolio after the class

7.2.3. Finish my classwork on time and be successful in the MLD program

7.2.4. Refined clarity and perspective on career options and informal learning

8. Bridge Support

8.1. How to translate my thoughts into teachable concepts

8.2. Learn to develop an online portfolio / digital presence

8.3. Understand how students learn

8.4. Dive Deep(er) into the science of learning