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1. Define The Problem: While you were at your friends house you were served a meal the you don't really like this is an issue because you are sleeping over at their house and this is the only food you will get until breakfast

2. Decide and Act: I would decide to eat the food because I maybe this host cooks it differently or uses a different recipe and I might enjoy it and never know if I didn't try and also I would try some to please the host. When we sat down for dinner I would start with a smaller portion of the dish and then if I enjoy it or one of the sides get more of that.

3. Evaluate the Results: This decision will have a positive affect on my life because I will have not only pleased the host but also eaten and enjoyed my night.

4. Explore the Alternatives: There are limited choices for this problem. You can such it up and eat it. you can just not eat at all and starve all night long or you can eat a bit of something that you do like in the dish like a side dish or part of the main etc.

5. Consider the Consequences: The positive consequences if you eat the meal are you get a bit of food in your stomach and you please your host. The negative consequences of not eating the meal are being hungry and disappointing the host by not liking their cooking.

6. Identify your Values: In my family we always try everything that is served to us and in my case I never want to be rude to my host and I try to be as polite as I possibly can.