Why do we need to understand and conserve rainforests?

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Why do we need to understand and conserve rainforests? por Mind Map: Why do we need to understand and conserve rainforests?

1. Tropical & Temperate Rainforests Venn Diagram

2. Reflection on Poem

3. Personal Reflection

4. Definition

4.1. Ecological

4.1.1. Enviroment

4.1.2. Ecology

4.1.3. Ecologic

4.1.4. Bionomical

4.1.5. Bionomic

4.1.6. Biology

4.1.7. Biological

4.1.8. Enviromental

4.1.9. Interdependent

4.2. System

4.2.1. Scheme

4.2.2. Organize

4.2.3. Organisation

4.2.4. Organise

4.2.5. Coordinate

4.2.6. Structure

4.2.7. Group

4.2.8. Grouping

5. Rainforest

5.1. Temperate

5.1.1. equable

5.1.2. intemperate

5.1.3. climent

5.1.4. self-restraint

5.1.5. abstemious light

5.1.6. moderate

5.1.7. moderation

5.1.8. mild

5.1.9. temperateness

5.1.10. abstemiousness

5.2. Tropical

5.2.1. hot

5.2.2. tropic

5.2.3. tropics

5.2.4. timid zone

5.2.5. temperature

5.2.6. warm

5.2.7. torrid

5.2.8. fervant

5.2.9. fervid

5.2.10. red-hot

5.3. Rainforest

5.4. Sub-tropical

5.4.1. subtropics

5.4.2. subtropic

5.5. Monsoonal

5.5.1. New node

6. Ecosystem

6.1. My Definition

6.2. Internets Definition