My Growth

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My Growth by Mind Map: My Growth

1. Baby no Baby

1.1. SWLO: Creative Problem Solving

1.2. Standard: 10.1.1

1.3. Reflection:

2. Slavery in Cuba

2.1. Reflection:

2.2. Standards:10.5.1

2.3. Webpage

2.3.1. Web page rubric


3.1. Reflection:

3.2. Artifact:

3.3. Standard:

4. What I Learned

4.1. Reflection:

4.2. Artifact

4.3. Standard:

5. Industrial Revolution

5.1. Standards: 10.2.5

5.2. -Artifact

5.3. Reflection:

6. 3 Essays

6.1. Oppression, Odysseus Harmless Entertainment essays.

6.2. Standards:10.4.4

6.3. Reflection: