Comienza Ya. Es Gratis
ó regístrate con tu dirección de correo electrónico
Sophmore Capstone por Mind Map: Sophmore Capstone

1. Slavery and Oppression

1.1. standards

1.2. artifact

1.3. reflection

2. Short Story (Biohealth)

2.1. standards

2.2. artifact

2.3. reflection

2.4. SWLO

3. Genghis Khan Interview

3.1. standards

3.2. artifcts

3.3. reflection

3.4. SWLO

4. 3 Writing Examples

4.1. Your School

4.1.1. standard

4.1.2. artifact

4.1.3. reflection

4.2. Reason for Murder

4.2.1. standard

4.2.2. artifact

4.2.3. reflection

4.3. Abolishing Slavery

4.3.1. standard

4.3.2. artifact

4.3.3. reflection

5. Intoduction Letter

6. Personal Artifacts/ Conclusion Letter

7. Odyssey Magazine

7.1. standards

7.2. artifact

7.3. reflection

7.4. SWLO

8. Renaissance

8.1. standards

8.2. artifact

8.3. reflection

8.4. SWLO

9. Baby No Baby (Biohealth)

9.1. standards

9.2. artifacts

9.3. reflection

9.4. SWLO

10. Letter to Me

10.1. standards

10.2. artifact

10.3. reflection

11. Digital Portfolio

11.1. Artifact

11.2. Reflection

11.3. SWLO