Web application

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Web application by Mind Map: Web application

1. Document centric

1.1. static homepage

1.2. web radio

1.3. company website

2. Interactive

2.1. virtual exhibition

2.1.1. Project specifications

2.1.2. End User requirements

2.1.3. Action points sign-off

2.2. new site

2.3. travel planning

2.3.1. Top Priorities

2.3.2. Medium Priorities

2.3.3. Low Priorities

3. Knowledge based/ Semantic web

3.1. recommender system

3.2. syndication

3.3. management information system

4. Transactional

4.1. online banking

4.2. online shopping

4.3. Deliverables

5. Work flow based

5.1. e-government

5.2. B2B solution

5.3. patient workflow

6. Collaborative

6.1. chatroom

6.1.1. Materials

6.1.2. Personnel

6.1.3. Services

6.1.4. Duration

6.2. e-learning platform

6.3. virtual shared workspace

7. Portal oriented

7.1. -community portal

7.2. online shopping mall

7.3. business portal

8. Ubiquitos

8.1. customised services

8.2. location aware services

8.3. device-independent delivery

9. Social

9.1. web logs

9.2. collaborative filtering

9.3. virtual shared workplace