Web 2.0 Technologies

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Web 2.0 Technologies by Mind Map: Web 2.0 Technologies

1. District

1.1. share resources

1.1.1. wikis

1.1.2. googledocs

1.2. trainings

1.2.1. webcams skype

1.2.2. teachertube

2. Self

2.1. communicating with parents

2.1.1. blogspot.com

2.1.2. wiki

2.1.3. skype

2.2. homework

2.2.1. backpackit.com

2.2.2. blogspot.com

2.3. extending learning at home

2.3.1. bookingmarking delicious.com/mr.hacket

2.4. accommodating students

2.4.1. voicethread.com

2.4.2. teachertube

3. Community

3.1. collaborating with community members

3.1.1. webcams skype

4. School

4.1. collaboration on multi class projects

4.1.1. wikis

4.2. communication with parents and community

4.2.1. wikis

4.2.2. blogs