Mark Mosher Top Synthesizer Picks
by Mark Mosher
1. Semi-Modular and great all-arounder
1.1. Absynth 5 $199
1.1.1. VA
1.1.2. Granular
1.1.3. Waveform drawing
1.1.4. Samples as oscillator sources
1.1.5. Absynth FX
1.1.6. ...
2. Subtractive
2.1. U-He Hive $149
2.1.1. Great starter synth or low CPU workhorse
2.2. Tone2 Electra2 $189
2.2.1. Subtractive with deep sound design
2.2.2. Visual Feedback
3. Recommended Free Synth
3.1. Zebralette
4. Modular
4.1. U-HE Zebra 2 $199
4.1.1. Zebrify FX
5. Alternative Sound Design
5.1. Tone2 RayBlaster
5.1.1. Used "Impulse Modelling"
5.1.2. Unusual synthesis type with resynthesis
6. Ableton Live Suite
6.1. Ableton Push 2
7. Hardware
7.1. Gigging and Improv
7.1.1. Nord Lead 4
7.1.2. Octatrack
7.2. Sound design and studio work
7.2.1. Waldorf Blofeld