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My Hobbies by Mind Map: My Hobbies

1. Drawing

1.1. manga

1.1.1. anime girls

1.2. princesses

1.2.1. something cute

2. Creating

2.1. songs

2.1.1. fiction books craft

2.2. meals

2.2.1. poems dreams

3. Hunting

3.1. for mushrooms

3.1.1. for sale

3.2. for cute stuff

4. Watching

4.1. anime

4.1.1. Korean Tv series Chinese Tv series

4.2. English Tv series

4.2.1. English movies

5. Singing

5.1. English songs

5.1.1. Russian songs

5.2. Japanese songs

5.2.1. Ukrainian songs

6. Dancing

6.1. before mirror

6.1.1. have fun

6.2. while listening to fav. songs

7. Growing

7.1. Mushrooms

7.1.1. Plants

7.2. Veggies

7.2.1. Fruits

8. Walking

8.1. Around the town

8.1.1. While shopping

8.2. Just for fun

8.2.1. To stay fit

9. Browsing internet

9.1. For new manga

9.1.1. For new anime For inspiration

9.2. For sale

9.2.1. For new songs For new ideas

10. Meeting with friends

10.1. To chat

10.1.1. To have fun To gossip

10.2. To go shopping

10.2.1. To drink coffee