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My Mindmap por Mind Map: My Mindmap

1. 1. Innovation Process.

1.1. Definition: An Application of a new improved production or delivery system, and this includes important changes in techniques equipment and software.

1.2. Example: there is an innovation process in medical being paperless, outpatients producers where the patients goes home that day and medications being sent directly to the pharmacy.

1.3. Concept: "The first step in the innovation process is to clarify what your business’s innovation goals are and why you want, or need to engage in this kind of innovation. It is important to involve a good cross-section of the business in developing these goals, utilising the expertise within the organization and even extending this to the customer and client network to get the market view." (The Innovation Process) - CPI. Center For Process Innovation (2013)

2. 2. Leadership

2.1. Definition: It is the action of a person or a group of people that encourages other people to engage with each other and hep them to do the right things and organize them.

2.2. Example: Example: “In a healthcare organization, leaders play a huge role, such as establishing and promulgating the organization’s mission, vision, and goals. They also strategically plan for the provision of services, acquire and allocate resources, and set priorities to improve performance." (Leadership in Healthcare Organizations: A Guide to Joint Commission Leadership Standards) (2009)

2.3. Concept: Concept: If there is no a strong leadership in the healthcare, organizations will most likely fail. In order to have a successful organization we need to have a great and trusted leadership.

3. 4. Evidence-Based-Practice

3.1. Definition: It is an interdisciplinary approach about how to promote health or provide care by using evidence that are already exists.

3.2. Example: (Infection Control) "Nurses play a key role in helping to prevent illness before it happens by adhering to evidence-based infection-control policies. This includes keeping the healthcare environment clean, wearing personal protective clothing, using barrier precautions and practicing correct hand washing." (4 Examples of Evidence-Based Practice in Nursing | A-State. (2016)

3.3. Concept: Some steps in order to make the EBP process: : bordering the Clinical, discover the evidence, measuring them, and lastly making the decision. (Evidence-Based Practice (EBP). (n.d.).

4. 5. finance

4.1. Definition: It is the major act of innovation that allows organizations to proceed and conduct research as well as develop and commercialize innovations.

4.2. Example: "Financing health care research has given birth to improve medicine and cure times. This is true for every discovery medical treatment are thousands of research carried out, thanks to these advances in medicine an average human lives about decades longer than in the 1960 and twice longer than in the 1930st. Health care research helps in expanding our knowledge as health professionals, eliminating guess work and improving our understanding of principle underling certain health decisions we make as health service providers."( StevenJnr, O. (2014) Importance of Health Care Research.

4.3. Concept: Without having the proper funding and financing any organization will most likely fail. it takes time and money for the the organization to succeed.

5. 3. Policy

5.1. Definition: It is an idea, plan, and guideline that is used to making decisions and moving forward.

5.2. Example: "Health policies impact on peoples’ lives. For example, a policy decision not to have publicly funded health insurance with universal coverage limits peoples’ choices to what they can afford." (Oxman, A. D., & Chalmers, L. (n.d.). WHO | Fair tests of health-care policies and treatments: a request for help from readers).

5.3. Concept: it is important to have heath care policy especially when dealing with issues and activities that are related to health and safety.

6. 6. Technology and communication.

6.1. Definition: They are the methods that use practical means to spread information or data from one place to the other or from one person to the other.

6.2. Example: "Technology and communication in the health care records has resulted in significant savings in health care costs as well as improved patient health and safety. In more and more healthcare facilities, patient files are being kept in databases that can be accessed from anywhere in the facility." (Banova, B. (2013).

6.3. Concept: Technology advancement in communication has promoted patients care and educate healthcare professionals.

7. 7. Outcomes

7.1. Definition: final results of a certain activity , process or product.

7.2. Example: An example of outcomes is "clinical outcomes when measuring the range of movement. Patient reports, The ‘subjective’ measures where data is gathered by the patient in self‐administered questionnaires and scored by either clinicians or computers." (Roy, B. (n.d.). Healthcare Outcomes | ShoulderDoc)

7.3. Concept: Outcomes in healthcare are created to improve needed to be transported in patients’ lives.