What Video Games Can Teach us About Racism - TEDxVienna 2017

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What Video Games Can Teach us About Racism - TEDxVienna 2017 por Mind Map: What Video Games Can Teach us About Racism - TEDxVienna 2017

1. Implicit racism is everywhere

2. Need to acknowledge the situation and design the conditions differently

2.1. Force us to build bridges instead of walls

2.2. It's scary, but we can practice in the digital world first

2.2.1. Games for Peace

2.3. Under certain conditions, people who are supposed to be enemies play exceptionally well together

2.3.1. Games that facilitate creativity and conversation

2.3.2. We need to go out and create those kinds of games

3. Speaker


3.1.1. Game Designer | ISR

3.1.2. Website

4. There's a gap between how people perceive themselves and how they act

4.1. Game #1

4.1.1. Protect the Neighborhood Shoot threats as a cop Spare the innocent targets

4.1.2. We measured the time to trigger Majority of players shot Arab looking targets faster by 45% = Implicit racism We are rigged!

5. Game #2

5.1. Doctors to segregate female patients via swiping

5.1.1. Arabs left, Jews right

5.2. Can't play the game without inner voice telling you what to do

5.2.1. Racist voice

5.3. Went viral