Biosupercapacitors: Powering a Heart On The Edge - TEDxVienna 2017

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Biosupercapacitors: Powering a Heart On The Edge - TEDxVienna 2017 por Mind Map: Biosupercapacitors: Powering a Heart On The Edge - TEDxVienna 2017

1. Biosupercapacitors

1.1. Can be charged in short amount of time

1.1.1. High charge rate

1.2. Made from our body proteins

1.3. Stores high amounts of charge

1.4. Uses blood of patient himself as electrolyte

1.5. Safer device, but also smaller (thinner than human hair)

2. Can power other devices too!

2.1. e.g. Cancer detector

2.2. Game changer

3. Speaker


3.1.1. Bioelectronics Researcher | USA

3.1.2. islam mosa (@islam_M_Mosa) | Twitter

4. Cardiac Pacemakers

4.1. regulate heartbeats

4.2. powered by batteries

4.2.1. run out of charge

4.2.2. need to be replaced after 5-7 years

4.2.3. risk of infection and death

4.2.4. danger of leakage

4.2.5. batterie is big

5. Research to develop an alternative

5.1. Want to harvest energy from the body, something that can suck up the energy in short amount of time