Should I have a party at my house when my parents are gone?

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Should I have a party at my house when my parents are gone? by Mind Map: Should I have a party at my house when my parents are gone?

1. Im playing the X-Box 360

1.1. Might beat a new level on Spider-Man

2. Im going to be on Facebook talking to people.

2.1. Flirting with girls. Catching up on gossip.

3. I invite friends over but only cousins.

3.1. we have fun hanging out Im no longer bored

4. No I don't have a party

5. Could get caught by parents...

5.1. Grounded for life

6. Yes I have the party

7. I get drunk

7.1. Risk getting caught. Might do stupid things to get me in trouble.

7.1.1. Can get caught and grounded for life.

8. Possibility of having sex

8.1. Might get a girl pregnat

8.1.1. have to pay child support. Could ruin my future.