Content-based Syllabus

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Content-based Syllabus por Mind Map: Content-based Syllabus

1. Advantages

1.1. -It allows the integration of the four skills and the use of authenitc material

1.2. -It motivates students since they are exposed to different and interesing topics.

1.3. -It facilitates the comprehension of the language by stuying different content which serves as the basis for teaching the language skills.

2. Disadvantages

2.1. - Teacher's lack of knowledge about the topic.

2.2. - Limited time for students to achieve adequate academic level.

2.3. - Little material available in the market to teach the different topics in the specific language.

2.4. -Teachers need to learn how to integrate academic language and content better in their classrooms.

3. References

3.1. ThiThu, N. & Nhung, H. (N.D). Content-Based Syllabus. Retrieved from

3.2. Jalilzadeh, K. and Tahmasebi, A. (2014). Content-Based Syllabus. Retrieved from

4. Characteristics

4.1. -It helps students to learn the language through the study of a series of relevant topics.

4.2. -It gives learners a lot of exposure to the language.

4.3. -Communicative language teaching.

4.4. -Students learn the language as a by-product of learning about real-world content.

5. Example

5.1. During the lessons, students are focused on learning about something. This could be anything that interests them from a serious science subject to their favourite pop star or even a topical news story or film. Based on any of these topic, students will have the opportunity of learning and practicing the language.

6. Definition

6.1. -This kind of syllabus focuses on a kind of instruction in which the primary purpose is to teach some content or information using the language that students are learning. In this kind of syllabus the subject matter is primary, and the language learning occurs incidentally through the content learning.