The Frayer Model

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The Frayer Model by Mind Map: The Frayer Model

1. Key Concepts

1.1. Vocabulary:

1.1.1. The list of terms which can represent key concepts.

1.2. What It's Not:

1.2.1. A worksheet.

1.2.2. A homework assignment.

2. Foundations

2.1. Relationship:

2.1.1. Words relate to each other.

2.1.2. Background knowledge ca be activated.

2.2. Words:

2.2.1. A certain few words in a set of vocabulary can form the main idea or foundation of what is to be learned.

3. Graphic Organizer

3.1. Understanding:

3.1.1. Can help to deepen understanding of important core vocabulary, and really drive home the meaning.

3.2. Connections:

3.2.1. An example of a filled out Frayer Model was used in Sammy's section of the presentation: Advanced Organizers for Pre-Teaching Strategies. She used the word "potato".

4. Includes

4.1. The Term:

4.1.1. The middle of the organizer includes what the term is.

4.2. The Definition and Characteristics:

4.2.1. The definition of the term should be student friendly.

4.2.2. Characteristics are the features that help the student to identify the term.

4.3. Examples and Non-Examples:

4.3.1. Examples can include synonyms and applications of he term.

4.3.2. Non-Examples can include antonyms can include inappropriate applications of the term.

5. Usage

5.1. Teacher Guided:

5.1.1. First requires teacher direction, and modeling. Give examples and non-examples to show the students how the organizer is used. Complete a whole Frayer Model sheet with the whole class.

5.1.2. Explain the thought process and where the information is coming from for the examples and non-examples sections.

5.2. Guided Practice:

5.2.1. Complete a Frayer Model sheet where the teacher is not modeling, but guiding the students thinking for the more difficult sections: characteristics, examples, and non-examples.

6. Product

6.1. Independent:

6.1.1. The Frayer Model isn't really an independent work type of organizer. Students may be able to fill out more of the model without guidance the more familiar they become with the term.

6.2. Assessment:

6.2.1. If the term has been thoroughly discussed and taught the Frayer Model could be an assessment to check to see if the student has a grasp of the term.

6.3. Progress:

6.3.1. The Frayer Model doesn't need to be completed in one sitting parts of the organizer can be completed over a few days.