Community Service

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Community Service by Mind Map: Community Service

1. Posters

1.1. We did poster for the dancers, iftar, international day and the art show

2. Reading buddies

2.1. Fostering the growth of interest in the youth of tomorrow.

2.2. We would go exery second class to our reading buddies.

2.3. I enjoyed going because they were always so happy to see us every time.

2.4. I brought me reading buddy chocolates at christmas time he was very excited.

3. Time

3.1. I believe this class was a waste of my time

3.2. I think we should of had been able to take another course or had a study lesson

3.3. I believe next year they should change this course.

4. Exam

4.1. We do not do an exam for community service because we do not learn any thing in class