Collaborative online challenges from various perspectives

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Collaborative online challenges from various perspectives by Mind Map: Collaborative online challenges from various perspectives

1. Students

1.1. Distrust team members

1.2. Would rather do the work alone

1.3. Time schedules might be a problem

1.4. Without coordination there is kaos

1.5. May waste time if not given specific instructions

1.6. Depend on others to get the work done

1.7. Agreeing on a meeting time

1.8. Working around various schedules

2. Faculty

2.1. Everyone has different abilites. Let those work for the group.

2.2. Everyone can contribute.

2.3. Assign roles

2.4. Establish individual responsibilities and time frames

2.5. Find a way to meet as a group

2.6. Listen to the opinions and suggestions of all

2.6.1. New node

2.7. Provide a way for students who missed the meeting to know what is going on

3. Administration

3.1. Communication needs to take place

3.2. Method chosen does not matter as long as it is compliant with school regulations

3.3. Everyone needs to participate

4. Decision making

4.1. New node

5. Turf protection

5.1. New node

6. Communication