by Tessa Bergstrom
1. Migration Stream
1.1. Migration stream: The constant flow of migrants from one country into another
1.2. Poverty and conflict are two big factors that drive migration streams
1.3. The largest migration steam into the United States is from Mexico
2. Pull Factor
2.1. Pull Factor: Factors that encourage people to move to a new place
2.2. They are the factors that pull them in
2.3. People might want to move for freedom or opportunities for a better life
2.4. They could also move for a better job
2.5. Many families move so their children can attend good schools
3. Push Factor
3.1. Push Factor: Factors that encourage people to leave a place behind
3.2. They are factors that push them away
3.3. War and poverty can cause people to leave
3.4. Common push factors are economic factors
3.5. People also migrate from environmental issues like tornadoes, droughts, hurricanes, or food diseases
3.6. If a sickness occurs, people might want to go to a new place
4. Brain Drain
4.1. Brain Drain: The loss of well-educated people to another country
4.2. A country suffers a brain drain when their most talented or skilled people leave
4.3. For example, when a doctor or engineer leaves, their skills and training leaves as well
4.4. Brain drain can lead into "brain gain" when people leave for a while but later come back with more skills an experience for their home country
5. Remittances
5.1. Remittances: A payment of money sent by an immigrant to a relative in his or hr home country
5.2. In some countries, these payments can be a very important source of income
5.3. For example, Mexico receive more money from remittances than anything else except tourism and oil sales
6. Persecution
6.1. Persecution: The act of punishing someone usually for a particular reason such as someones religion ethnicity, race, or political beliefs
6.2. Involuntary migrations generally involve refugees fearing persecution rather than enslaved people
7. Impacts on U.S.
7.1. -Less jobs available
7.2. +Could gain more skills or talents from people
7.3. +Learn more about cultures
7.4. +Take unwanted jobs
7.5. +/- Taxes are raised for public services
7.6. -Languages
8. Immigration
8.1. Immigration:To move into another country
8.2. People who move to a different country are called immigrants
8.3. People who immigrate might take a while for them to adjust to life somewhere else
8.4. Immigrants introduce their new home to different ways of life around the world
8.5. Immigrants also bring new traditions and holidays to their new city and they teach people what it's like around the world
8.6. When immigrants come to new places, they often have few skills and are limited to low paying jobs
8.7. If too many people immigrate it might become overcrowded
9. Emigration
9.1. Emigration: To move away from your county or home
9.2. People who move away from their county are called emigrants
9.3. Emigrants take with them whatever they might have contributed to life in their homeland.
9.4. Emigration can also have negative impacts if their family gets splintered and possibly never return to their homeland
9.5. If too many people emigrate, it might become abandoned
10. Refugee
10.1. Refugee: Someone who seeks safety by going to another country. Refugees may be escaping political unrest or war. Or they may fear being attacked because of their beliefs
10.2. Refugees might leave because of war of prosecution
10.3. They might flee from religious beliefs
10.4. Refugees also leave to flee political unrest
10.5. Some refugees work hard to bring democracy to their homeland
11. Voluntary Migration
11.1. Voluntary Migration:Occurs when people choose to migrate of their own free will
11.2. Example: The great migration- a mass movement of 6 million African Americans from the rural South to urban areas in the North. They left to escape poverty or unfair treatment.
12. Involuntary Migration
12.1. Involuntary Migration: People that are forced to migrate, often under threat of death or violence.
12.2. Also known as forced migration
12.3. Example: Transatlantic Slave Trade- The forced migration of millions of captured and enslaved people from Africa to the Americas
13. Impacts on homeland
13.1. -may loose valuable skills or talents from people
13.2. -Bring whatever the might have contributed to in their homeland to the U.S.
13.3. +Brain gain: coem back with new skills
13.4. +Democracy
13.5. +Remittances