Causes of WWI July 28, 1914 - November 11th, 1918

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Causes of WWI July 28, 1914 - November 11th, 1918 by Mind Map: Causes of WWI July 28, 1914 - November 11th, 1918

1. Think they have the right to invade other countries to take their sources and and set up colonies

2. Britain promises to protect Belgium’s neutrality

3. Assassination of Franz Fernidand

3.1. Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria is assassinated by Serbian Terrorist group “Black Hand”

3.2. Austria hates Serbia

3.3. Austria accuses Serbia of assassination and declares war

3.3.1. Russia supports Serbia (Alliances)

3.3.2. Germany joins in when Austria-Hungary gets upset (promised to help)

3.4. All of Europe is in war now

3.5. Serbia wants to be an independent pan-slavic nation

4. Imperialism

4.1. Boer War

4.1.1. Germany trying to get in on imperialism and build an empire too (cut out of imperial desires and cut out of Africa the last not taken place)

5. Alliances

5.1. Triple Entente: Russia, England and France

5.1.1. France is Germany's most dangerous enemy

5.1.2. France declares war on Germany Britain declares war on Germany

5.2. Triple Alliance: Germany, Austria-Hungary and Italy

6. Nationalism

6.1. Leaders saying there countries are better than the others

6.2. Shown thought literature, music and other ways

6.3. New weapons and war accessories

6.4. More people joined the military, army and navy.

7. The Spark

8. Habsburg Monarchy

8.1. Inbreeding

8.2. Bad leadership

8.2.1. Monarchs in Europe are Cousins: Wilhelm II, Kaiser of Germany George V, King of England Nicholas II, Tsar of Russia

8.3. Had relatives in power from 1279 - 1918

8.4. Double Monarchy

9. Colonies support Britain by default

10. Boer War

11. Militarism

11.1. The idea that a country needs a strong military force to protect itself or to pursue imperialistic interests.

11.2. Most countries wanting a bigger empire than the others

11.3. Naval race and the development of the Dreadnought

11.3.1. Dreadnought-Britain advanced massive battle ship

11.4. Wanting big armies with big guns to protect themselves from other countries

12. Germans

12.1. The Schlieffen Plan

12.1.1. Avoid a 2 front war against Russia and France

12.1.2. Plan to invade France and Belgium Led to a war

12.2. Starts opposing France and Britain

12.3. Thinks they are surrounded by enemies

12.4. Naval Crisis 1909

12.4.1. Build many warships

12.5. They relied heavily on military

12.6. Gets cut out of imperial desires in Africa

12.7. Jealous of other empires, like Britain, and made their army and empire bigger

12.8. Looking to build an empire like other European countries such as France, Britain and the Dutch.

12.9. Germany declares war on Russia

13. Balkans

13.1. Balkan Wars 1912 – 1913

13.2. 1912 defeated Ottoman

13.3. 1913 defeated Bulgaria

13.4. They caused a lot of tension

13.5. Large land between the four seas

13.6. Russia defends Serbia, declares war on AH

14. Helped countries get more power by having a bigger and more powerful military

15. Japan declares war on Germany and goes to attack China

16. America is neutral