The evil of doing good

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The evil of doing good af Mind Map: The evil of doing good

1. Sources

1.1. Dr. Zimbardo's TED talk: The Psychology of Evil

1.2. The Lucifer Effect

1.3. Gandhi (the film)

1.4. Che Guevara (the film)

1.5. Godhra riots (documentary)

1.6. Che Guevara (the book)

1.7. Che Guevara's UN speech

2. Case studies

2.1. Local

2.1.1. Godhra riots Gujurat

2.2. National

2.2.1. Gandhi and the Indian independence struggle

2.3. Global

2.3.1. Che Guevara and the Cuban revolution

3. Plan of Action

3.1. Define good and evil

3.2. Watch documentary on Godhra riots

3.3. Godhra riots research and statistics

3.4. Watch Gandhi and complete due research

3.5. Analyze the perspectives and situation of the Indian independence struggle

3.6. Watch Che Guevara, and read about him

3.7. Analyze the Cuban situation

3.8. Meta-analysis and the play of perspective

4. Rationale

4.1. Understand good and evil

4.2. Is evil simply violence?

4.3. Must there be violence for the greater good

4.4. Is it right to sacrifice consciously in the name of 'the greater good?'