Britain in the 1960's context

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Britain in the 1960's context por Mind Map: Britain in the 1960's context

1. National service was irradiated (H)

2. 1961 Sierra Leone became independent- the common wealth family of nations (H,C)

3. New wave of life in the 1960's, people had money to spend and could spend it on many things- Fashion was big (C)

4. Marilyn Monroe died in 1962 (H)

5. Quality of life improves significantly in the 1960's (C)

6. Weston Churchill died in 1965 (H)

7. Marriage of princess Margaret (1960) (H)

8. 1961 first Russian to go to space (H)

9. Nuclear war threat (H)

10. Carnaby street in the 1960's was the place to go to find fashionable clothes (S,C)

11. John F Kennedy was assassinated in 1963 (H)

12. Berlin Wall was put up symbolising the Cold war, Separating East and West Berlin (H)

13. 1960's very sexist society (S)

14. 1964 Central heating and lights start to become more common (H,C)