Departmental Organization and Development

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Departmental Organization and Development por Mind Map: Departmental Organization and Development

1. 1934

1.1. Summer Theatre School began

2. 1881-1929

2.1. Grade School

2.2. High School

2.3. Teachers Professional School

2.4. Nursing School

2.5. College of Liberal Arts

3. 1930s

3.1. College of Liberal Arts

3.1.1. Natural Sciences

3.1.2. Social Sciences

3.1.3. Humanities Literature English & Speech Fine Arts Dance Music Art Philosophy Religion

4. 1881

4.1. Normal

4.2. Academic

4.3. Industrial

5. 1931

5.1. Drama offered in English department

5.2. Spelman Players officially recognized by institution

5.2.1. Anne Cooke, then in English department academic advisor to group

5.3. Fine Arts program started

6. 1955-56

6.1. English & Speech Co-Curricular

6.2. Speech & Drama Minor introduced

7. 1959

7.1. Autonomous Department of Theatre established

7.2. Drama Major introduced

8. 1937

8.1. Summer School of the Theatre began

8.2. Certificate Offered