The Reconstruction by Savannah Richardson

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The Reconstruction by Savannah Richardson por Mind Map: The Reconstruction by Savannah Richardson

1. Radical Republican

1.1. President Ulysses Grant

1.2. 1868-1877

1.3. 15th Amendment

1.3.1. 1869

1.4. Civil Rights Act of 1875

1.5. Amnesty Act of 1872

1.6. Compromise of 1877

1.7. Problems

1.7.1. Corrupt Gov. bargains

1.7.2. White Supremacy

1.7.3. Panic of 1873

2. South

2.1. Sharecropping

2.2. Hiram Revels and Blanche Bruce

2.3. KKK

3. Lincoln's Reconstruction

3.1. 1863-1865

3.2. President Abraham Lincoln

3.3. Freedmen's Bureau

3.3.1. 1865

3.4. Wade-Davis Bill

3.4.1. 1864

3.5. Proclamation of Amnesty and Reconstruction

3.5.1. 1863

4. Presidential Reconstruction

4.1. President Andrew Johnson

4.2. 14th Amendment

4.2.1. 1868

4.3. Reconstruction Acts of 1867

4.4. 1865-1867

4.5. Civil Rights Act of 1866

4.6. Black Codes

4.7. Veto

4.8. First impeached president

4.8.1. Tenure of Office Act 1867

4.9. All ex-con states could be a part of the union

4.9.1. 1865