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Whooping Cough por Mind Map: Whooping Cough

1. Transmission

1.1. Air-borne transmission

2. Pathogenesis

2.1. 1) Attach to ciliary respiratory epithelial cells

2.2. 2) Secrete endotoxin - paralyze the cilia - causes inflammation

2.3. 3) Interferes clearing of pulmonary secretions

3. Clinical Features

3.1. Paroxysms

3.2. CNS anoxia

3.3. Exhaustion

3.4. Lobar or segmental lungs collapse

3.5. Secondary pneumonia

4. Treatment

4.1. Erythromycin

4.2. Erythromycin prophylaxis

5. Caused by Bordetella pertussis

6. Virulence factors

6.1. Adhesion

6.1.1. 1) Filamentous hemogglutinin

6.1.2. 2) Fimbrial agglutinogens

6.2. Toxin

6.2.1. 1) Pertussis toxin -disrupt signal transduction to affected cell

6.2.2. 2) Adenylate cyclase toxin - inhibit defense function

6.2.3. 3) Tracheal toxin - Kills tracheal epithelial cells

6.2.4. 4) Endotoxin - Cause fever

7. Laboratory Test

7.1. Nasopharyngeal Swab

7.2. Culture - Bordet-Gengou agar

7.3. PCR

7.4. Serology

8. Prevention

8.1. Vaccination

8.1.1. 1) Whole cell vaccine -DTaP

8.1.2. 2) Acellular vaccine - Fewer side effects