Garbage collection and processing

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Garbage collection and processing por Mind Map: Garbage collection and   processing

1. kinds of waste

1.1. rubbish

1.2. garbage

1.3. trash

1.4. litter

1.5. waste

1.6. junk

1.7. refuse

1.8. toxic waste

1.9. recyclable garbage

1.10. out of date things

1.11. emissoins

1.12. hazardous wastes

1.13. radioactive wastes

2. impact on environment

2.1. contamination of water

2.2. thermal pollution

2.3. visual pollution

2.4. pollution of the environment

2.4.1. environmental effects

2.4.2. environmental damage

2.4.3. environmental impact

2.5. environmental emergency

2.6. noise pollution

2.7. water / air pollution

3. waste location/processing

3.1. landfill

3.2. incinerator

3.3. composter

3.4. recycling depot

3.5. rubbish/trash/garbage bin

3.6. dumping

3.7. solid waste management

3.8. waste burial

3.9. waste disposal

4. disposal processing

4.1. elimination of waste

4.2. waste recycling

4.3. elimanation of recycable materials