Leading Effective Discussions

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Leading Effective Discussions por Mind Map: Leading Effective Discussions

1. Evaluating

1.1. Formative

1.1.1. check on learning

1.2. Summarative

1.2.1. assessment of learning

1.3. Rubric

1.3.1. depth of thinking

1.3.2. peer responsiveness

1.3.3. preparedness

1.3.4. Knowledge and Understanding

2. Management

2.1. Time

2.1.1. display a clock

2.1.2. set a time limit

2.2. Topic

2.2.1. Keep students on topic

2.2.2. proximity

2.3. Questions

2.3.1. open ended questions

2.3.2. thinking promts

2.3.3. role play questions

3. Do's and donts

3.1. do's

3.1.1. have a goal

3.1.2. keep it relevant to the audience

3.2. donts

4. group sizes

4.1. Large

4.1.1. broad range of ideas

4.1.2. can be hijacked by extroverts

4.2. medium

4.2.1. generates more discussion

4.2.2. allows for higher level thinking

4.3. small

4.3.1. allows for higher level thinking

4.3.2. allows for ideas to be heard more effectively

5. Videos