Cupcakes of the day by Bay

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Cupcakes of the day by Bay por Mind Map: Cupcakes of the day by Bay

1. home page

1.1. On my home page I displayed a list of images and described the specific cupcake of the day.

1.1.1. This is where my edited photos are and the descriptions of each cupcake, what their flavor is and what is involved in it

2. About me

2.1. The about me page is all about why I chose to do my website on cupcakes and how iv'e always had an interest in baking

2.1.1. This page also has a picture of me and my most favorite cupcake form the cupcake shop, sprinkles.

3. Resource

3.1. my resource page has my map embedded as well as my poster with the QR code embedded.

3.1.1. my resource page is filled with all my references and resources used to start up this website.

4. Contact

4.1. My contact page is a place where viewers of my website can put their contact information down so that I can get back to them.

4.1.1. this is a great way for someone to get a hold of me.

5. order page

5.1. this page is for customers to be able to submit to me what certain cupcakes they want so that I can place that order for them and get there yummy treats sent their way.

6. I am going to be posting Images of each cupcake so that the viewers can visually see what they are buying and see how yummy it looks.

6.1. Tagline: Bringing sweet treats your way, everyday

7. The content on this website will be all about cupcakes and all about the new cupcakes of the day being announced and describing in detail what goes into each cupcake.

8. Home, about me, resource page, strategic planning page,Reference page, Contact page

9. Flavors of the day page

9.1. this page will consist of all of the flavors that cupcakes by bay sells and delivers.

9.1.1. there will also be many photos showing the different flavors available.