Kinetic Power Generator

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Kinetic Power Generator por Mind Map: Kinetic Power Generator


1.1. Class

1.2. Purpose

1.3. Links

2. Tagline: Power From People

3. KPG-Gym

3.1. Objective

3.1.1. Build a device to attach to gym equipment to transfer the lost energy to a display or such

3.2. Pictures

3.2.1. Initial prototype, locations

3.3. Weekly Progress

3.3.1. Newsletter

3.4. Community Partner

3.4.1. SDFC

4. KPG-Bike

4.1. Objective

4.1.1. Build a device to attach to bike to transfer lost energy to a storeable battery

4.2. Pictures

4.2.1. No prototypes yet

4.3. Weekly Progress

4.3.1. Newsletter

4.4. Community Partner

4.4.1. None

5. History

5.1. First Project

5.1.1. Kinetic Tiles

5.2. Second Project

5.2.1. Bike/Gym project

6. Contact