ASL in the US

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ASL in the US por Mind Map: ASL in the US

1. Home

1.1. I will briefly explain what the website is about, bringing awareness to ASL in the United States

1.1.1. I will create a digital logo for my website

2. About me

2.1. I will put a paragraph about myself and why I was interested in this topic

2.1.1. I will have google form on this page for people to get ahold of me

3. Resources

3.1. This page will have resources for people who are interested about learning more about the different parts of the website

3.1.1. Will have a screen casting video showing the different resources

4. References

4.1. This page will be crediting all the different cites and resources I used to get my information

4.1.1. I will you digital photo editing on the photos

5. ASL in the Arts

5.1. On this page I will talk about how ASL affects the arts, through art, theater, and music

5.1.1. I will incorporate a video of a song sign and of deaf theater

6. History of Deaf Culture

6.1. On this page, I will be giving a brief history of Deaf Culture, how it started and what it means today

6.1.1. I will put a link to a social media