The current educational system is flawed

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The current educational system is flawed por Mind Map: The current educational system is flawed

1. 1. The things tought are useless

1.1. How many of us know how to change a tire, fix a lamp? Do schools teach that? How many of us, young adult know how to balance a checkbook or even simply with a check but thank the lord we know the Pythagorean theorem or how to balance a chemical equation. How many of us really know how the tax system really work, where tax applies to most of adults in the world. The things that are being taught at school are just simply not thought at the right time.

1.1.1. Schools are designed to improve literacy, increase IQ, problem solving skills (equations, algebra, etc.), the basic understanding of life, the answers to everything, revealing the history, the platform that serve as the basis to more creative thinking, and most of all cognitive ability that leads to better judgement. The reason school does not provide everyday life skills is because those skills can be easily pursued outside of school.

2. 2. Kills creativity

2.1. . In his TED talk "How Schools Kill Creativity”, Ken Robinson talks about a girl who struggled in school. Her ability to focus and grades were not great. But she loved to dance. She learned best when she was moving, which schools restrict. Because of this, she transferred to a dance school where she became a successful and eventually professional dancer. If she had continued attending a regular school, she would not have been able to succeed to that extent later in life due to the boundaries school set around how students learn. These restrictions can prevent learning more than they inhibit it in many cases. They cause students to lose their natural creativity and conform to dull, meaningless standards. In this way, schools often prevent students from flourishing to their maximum potential.

2.1.1. Creativity refers to the ability to think differently The education system does not kill our creativity but instead in my opinion it improves the quality of our thinking. It structures out thinking and gives us the freedom to formulate our own opinions.It helps us alter our thinking and express our thoughts and emotions in a healthy way. It helps us dream wonder and imagine Schools do not destroy creativity. Schools may not offer enough art classes, but they certainly don't destroy it. People destroy their own creativity. The high school I go to is a science and technology school and yet we have three art murals and tons of music and art classes that anyone can take. If a person isn't a naturally creative person, then they just won't be throughout life. Don't blame the school. This is the technology age so the schools are just preparing you for reality. But school isn't trying to take away your creative spirit.

3. 3. One size fit all approach is not efficient

3.1. Quiz scores, standardized test scores, SAT scores, ACT scores and so on. If a student does not receive a high number on a test, the teacher or institution automatically assumes that this student is not knowledgeable. A student's GPA also plays a role in this. A student might get good grades, have a high GPA score, but then do poorly on an SAT because they are not great test takers. They will then send those scores to colleges and that simple number could then make or break them. Also, most colleges do not even look at the writing section for SAT's when college is all about writing papers and essays. It just does not make any sense. Most students only care about getting better grades than other students simply so they have a better chance at getting more opportunities such as higher ranked colleges and universities. They will sometimes do anything to get on top such as cheating or plagiarizing which proves that they do not care about the things they are learning, just the scores they receive.

3.1.1. Exams help us learn and digest information more easily. Because students are under pressure to get good grades, they strive to do their best. They work hard, making sure they are well-prepared. Without exams, students would be able to put off their revision and find it hard to keep up in class. Also, exams are a good way to test students' knowledge. Therefore, exams should not be abolished.

4. 1. Flawed but not extremely

4.1. One can see that across many generations, the schools have slowly and steadily improved. The current situation do undeniably have flaws. But the problem is not the basis of the design itself, as it is blamed upon in that sense. The educational institutions are being charged on guiding humans to their full potential. Although, it is going slow, it is advancing in a steady and sustainable pace. If the current system is deeply flawed, it would have revealed a collapse at some point, in contrast we have seen a lot of improvement. In contrast we've seen advancement on technologies. As examples, we can look at Apple, Tesla, Microsoft, those companies prosper and developed substantially on the ground of educated workforce.

5. 2. Have promoted ethic and socialization to people in general.

5.1. If children are to learn the norms, values, and skills they need to function in society, then education is a primary vehicle for such learning. Schools teach the three Rs (reading, ’riting, ’rithmetic), as we all know, but they also teach many of the society’s norms and values. In the United States, these norms and values include respect for authority, patriotism (remember the Pledge of Allegiance?), punctuality, and competition (for grades and sports victories).

5.2. “Education has a central role in creating new values and attitudes and provides us with important tools for addressing deep-rooted discrimination and the legacy of historical injustices,” said the Special Rapporteur on contemporary forms of racism, Mutuma Ruteere in his briefing to the Geneva-based Human Rights Council

6. 3. Improve literacy rate among humans that leads to better judgement on everyday lives

6.1. Literacy is a key skill and a key measure of a population’s education. In this entry we discuss historical trends, as well as recent developments in literacy. From a historical perspective, literacy levels for the world population have risen drastically in the last couple of centuries.

6.2. In contrast, in a modern environment full of computers, electronic banking and online shopping, a high IQ is increasingly necessary. But researchers in the field of ‘cognitive epidemiology’ find that people with lower IQs are less healthy and die younger. For example, a drop of 15 points in IQ translates to a 24 per cent increase in morbidity and a 20 per cent lower chance of living beyond age 75. So in the modern world IQ really does aid survival. Intelligence can definitely be raised by education. We know that every extra year of schooling increases IQ by about 1.5-2 points of IQ. Also, it accelerates cognitive development by about a third of a cognitive developmental level. Actually, my question intended to activate a discussion on what aspects of education can raise what aspects of intelligence. According to Galloway, students who got a full two years of extra schooling showed an IQ gain of more than 7 points. Those with just one additional year of compulsory education during the phase in period gained approximately 3.7 IQ points.

6.2.1. According to Telegraph UK news site, IQ tests do not reflect intelligence or surviving ability, without any complicated explanation, we should just see for example these universally known people. Hitler IQ test score was estimated at 141, he failed the application round for the Art Institutes Vienna 2 times (1907 and 1908). Then he left school when he was 16 without any certifications.