Depression And Mental Illnesses

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Depression And Mental Illnesses por Mind Map: Depression And Mental Illnesses

1. Home

1.1. Brief description of what will be on this website

1.1.1. Google, Weebly Home page should be a general idea and the main focus as to why I am doing this website and what purpose it has.

2. About

2.1. Information found about the mental illness

2.1.1. Google I need to add more information on me and focus on why i chose this topic specifically. The main focus of this page needs to be determined by my past choices.

3. Contact

3.1. Simple Page On Contact people

3.1.1. Google, Not much to do on this page just contact stuff.

4. References

4.1. References from other pages citations.

4.1.1. EasyBib, Google, Weebly Need to add citations on everything I had used and mostly i got them all so far.

5. Teaching people about mental illness.