Multiple Sclerosis

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Multiple Sclerosis por Mind Map: Multiple Sclerosis

1. Treatment

1.1. Drug-based & non-drug

1.2. Life Interventions -coping and adaptation

1.3. Relapse Management -treating acute relapses to reduce severity

1.4. Musical Therapy

1.4.1. promote health & healing

1.4.2. music helps stimulates brain -influence behaviors

1.4.3. cognitive challenge

1.4.4. improve memory and attention

1.4.5. decrease stress and anxieties

1.4.6. helps create self-expression

2. Inpatient/Outpatient Rehabilitation

2.1. Outpatient clinics are less expensive

3. Health and Wellness

3.1. Social

3.1.1. having positive relationships

3.2. Intellectual

3.2.1. challenges, develop strategies, thinking

3.3. Spiritual

3.3.1. help them find the purpose in life

3.4. Emotional

3.4.1. mental health self-esteem self-image manage stress positive attitude

4. Recreational Activity

4.1. Become more active and physical

4.2. Social skills enhanced

4.3. Enhance knowledge and skills

4.4. Self-esteem increase

4.5. Cool-Air conditioned environment/Place is important - minimize symptoms of heat

4.6. Types:

4.6.1. Skiing

4.6.2. Cycling

4.6.3. Basketball

4.6.4. Aquatic Activities

4.6.5. Golf

4.7. Supports physical and emotional wellness

5. Disorder

5.1. Central Nervous System

5.2. Diagnosed between 20-50 years old

5.3. Symptoms

5.3.1. loss of muscle coordination

5.3.2. problems w/ speech, vision, bladder control

5.3.3. depression

5.3.4. tremor, fatigue

5.3.5. paralysis-legs