Classroom Management Plan

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Classroom Management Plan por Mind Map: Classroom Management  Plan

1. Hall Passes

1.1. I would only allow students to go to the bathroom or nurse . I would supply the students with 3 bathroom passes each (per quarter) and allow for them to be used as extra credit if not used at the end of the semester. (This limits the students ability to just roam the halls and waste class time while also providing incentive to stay in class and earn extra credit).

2. Taking Attendance/Absences

2.1. I would have a seating chart. (It would just make it a lot easier to keep track of while also making it easy to seat the "talkers" on separate sides of the class, allowing me to take control of which students sit where. Also would make it easy to see who is absent. For those who are absent I would contain a folder with the assignments and activities of the day that they can receive when they arrive to class. If the students simply missed a day where the class period consisted of group work I would excuse them.

3. Collecting Assignments

3.1. To collect assignments I would set a routine from the beginning of the school year.. Depending on the set up of the classroom ( assuming the seats were in rows) I would have the students pass the assignments forward or backward depending on where the bin is to which they are to turn it in. I would then ask one student to pick up the papers from each row and place it into the bin for me. This would save time and keep the class going at good pace.


4.1. To get the classes attention I would either have a desk bell to which I would ring, or I would do the hand raise strategy where I raise my hand and the students are to raise their hands and be quiet after me. This is a good way to get the class quiet and back on board in a quick manner.

5. Ending Class

5.1. I would end the class period every day with a riddle. My fifth grade teacher use to do this and it was a great way to get the students all to quiet down and settle down to see what the riddle was! I would do this when their is about 3-5 minutes left of class to which the students would be packing up. See Bellwork Ideas for more info.

6. Greeting Students

6.1. Wait at the door until bell rings. (Gives students a sense of urgency to get to class on time.)

6.2. Look the students in the eye as I say hello as well as ask how their days are. (I always believed eye contact is very important for it is a way of showing respect. Asking the students how their days are going is important in ensuring the students know their feelings and their lives in general matter to me, builds a bond.)

6.3. Say hello to each student by their first name. (Builds a mutual respect and relationship with the students as well as lowers their affective filters by making them feel like we are friends.)

7. Bellwork Ideas

7.1. Warm-Ups are also a good way to start the class. I could have a PowerPoint ready to go at the beginning of class that starts with any announcements and a problem or two to work on that we will discuss.

7.2. I would want to introduce a riddle to the class at the END of each lecture. I would allow the students to ponder the riddle that day and the first student to raise his/her hand to solve the riddle the next day will receive either extra credit or bragging rights (depending on the level of difficulty). (This is a great way to get every student to want to rush to class as well as get every student excited and ready to engage and jumpstart right when they get to class. )

8. Distributing Items

8.1. If I had computers or more fragile items to be distributed I would have each row go one at a time to pick up that item and be seated again before allowing the next row to go. If it were papers to be distributed I would simply pass the papers to the student seated in the front of whatever row the assigned paper is to go to and have them pass it back (unless it were a test then I would pass them out individually).

9. Cell Phone/ Personal Technology Policies

9.1. If it were solely up to me I would not allow students to use their personal technology devices during lecture or work time but I would allow them to use it at the end of the period if their is extra time left. If it were to become an issue I would then take the phone away until the end of the period where I would then return it. If it becomes a consistent issue I would then email the parent of the issue.