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Assessments por Mind Map: Assessments

1. 5. Summative

1.1. Examples: Unit Tests, Writing Portfolios

1.2. Definition: is to evaluate student learning at the end of an instructional unit by comparing it against some standard or benchmark

2. 4. Performance

2.1. Definition: is a form of testing that requires students to perform a task rather than select an answer from a ready-made list

2.2. Examples: Group Projects, Writing assessments

3. 3. Diagnostic

3.1. Definition: is a method of evaluation used prior to instruction to determine students' strengths, weaknesses, prior knowledge, and skills.

3.2. Examples: Pre-Unit Tests, Fluency/Reading Tests

4. 1. Formative

4.1. Definition: serving to form something, especially having a profound and lasting influence on a person's development

4.2. Examples: Graphic Organizer & Class Discussions

5. 2. Interim/Benchmark

5.1. Definition: a standard or point of reference against which things may be compared or assessed

5.2. Examples: 6-Weeks Reading Benchmark Assessments, 6-Weeks Math Benchmark Assessment

6. H.O.T. Questions

6.1. Opening Questions:

6.1.1. Who or what is in the story?

6.1.2. What is the setting?

6.2. Guiding Questions:

6.2.1. What happens to the characters?

6.2.2. What is the problem?

6.3. Closing Questions:

6.3.1. Do the characters change?

6.3.2. What is the solution?