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Meals por Mind Map: Meals

1. I love

1.1. 1- I love eating chicken, rice and vegetables.

1.2. 2- I love eating pancake: oatmeal, eggs, banana and berries.

1.3. 3- I love eating beef soup.

2. I prefer

2.1. 1- I prefer to drink whey protein shake than smoothie.

2.2. 2- I prefer to eat cheese burger than pizza.

2.3. 3- I prefer to eat Ice cream than cake.

3. Try MeisterTask!

4. I hate

4.1. 1- I hate eating boiled fish.

4.2. 2- I hate drinking coffee with sugar.

4.3. 3- I hate eating shark meet.

5. I Like

5.1. I like to drink milkshakes.

5.2. I like to eat tuna with onions and, lemon.

5.3. I like to eat rice cookies with peanut butter.