Comienza Ya. Es Gratis
ó regístrate con tu dirección de correo electrónico
TVL H.E-A por Mind Map: TVL H.E-A

1. Immersion

1.1. Journal

1.2. Work Immersion at Residencia de Capiz Hotel

2. Empowerment Technology

2.1. Power Point Presentation

2.2. Lyrics Typing

2.3. Microsoft Excel

2.4. Photoshop

3. Entrepreneurship

3.1. Environmental Analysis

3.2. Business Plan

3.3. Executive Summary

3.4. Organizational Plan

4. Physics

4.1. Space and Time

4.2. Micro-organism Viewing

4.3. The Origin and Fate of the Universe

4.4. Blood Typing

4.5. Composition of Blood

4.6. Black Hole

5. Physical Education

5.1. orienteering

5.2. Rowing

5.3. Knot Tying

6. TVL 8&9

6.1. baking Bread, Cakes and Pastries

6.2. Icing Decoration

7. Research

7.1. Scrapbook

7.2. Qualitative Research of Chapter 1 & 2

7.3. Work Immersion Documentaries