culturele begrippen we didn't start the fire

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culturele begrippen we didn't start the fire por Mind Map: culturele begrippen  we didn't start the fire

1. sport

1.1. sporters

1.1.1. Joe Dimaggio (honkbal)

1.1.2. Sugar Ray (boksen)

1.1.3. campanella (honkbal)

1.1.4. Marciano (boksen)

1.1.5. Mickey Mantle (honkbal)

1.2. sporten

1.2.1. baseball california baseball Brooklyn's got a winning team

2. Varia

2.1. Space Monkey

2.2. AIDS

2.3. Crack

2.4. Pope Paul

2.5. disneyland

2.6. Children of Thalinomide

2.7. Woodstock

2.8. Terror on the airline

2.9. Hula Hoops

2.10. John Glenn

3. muziek

3.1. zangers

3.1.1. Beatles

3.1.2. Elvis Presley

3.1.3. Doris Day

3.1.4. Chubby Checker

3.1.5. Bob Dylan

3.1.6. Johnnie Ray

3.1.7. Buddy Holly

3.2. liedjes

3.2.1. rock around the clock

3.3. stijlen

3.3.1. punk rock

3.3.2. heavy metal

3.3.3. rock

3.4. componist/dirigent

3.4.1. Prokovief

3.4.2. toscanini

4. Culturele revolutie zie p.86-87 in boek

5. vrijer vrijen p88-91

5.1. birth control

6. Golden sixties: veel geld dus veel cultuur p.86

7. Literatuur

7.1. schrijvers

7.1.1. Hemmingway

7.1.2. Boris Pasternak

7.1.3. Jack Kerouac

7.1.4. George Santayana

7.2. Boeken

7.2.1. The catcher in the Rye

7.2.2. Stranger in a strange land

7.2.3. Peyton Place

8. film/toneel

8.1. filmstukken/musicals

8.1.1. Ben Hur

8.1.2. "The king and I"

8.1.3. Psycho

8.1.4. Peter Pan

8.1.5. Bridge on the river kwai

8.1.6. Lawrence of arabia

8.2. acteurs/actrices

8.2.1. Doris Day

8.2.2. Marylin Monroe

8.2.3. Marion Brando

8.2.4. Liberace

8.2.5. James Dean

8.2.6. Brigitte Bardot

8.2.7. Grace Kelly

8.3. TV programma

8.3.1. Wheel Of Fortune

8.3.2. Davy Crocket